A healthy home REVOLVES around just how healthy the indoor air is inside. It’s what the BIGGEST focus is on. The air we breathe is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT. And it’s the reason that I ditched fragrances for good and began using essential oils when I felt like needed a little scent.
I truly thought that I would NEVER be able to live without air fresheners, scented candles and other fragrance in my home. There was something about it that I loved — the scents were something that I loved and made my home feel like home.
I think a lot of us feel that way with MANY things about our homes that we KNOW are unhealthy for us. It’s hard for us to give up something that we actually enjoy.
This makes sense though. All we want is to have a home that feels good and welcomes us in. The truth is though, we also need a home that supports our health in the future.
It took me a long time and a lot of feet dragging, but I eventually got all the synthetic fragrances out of my home. And while I thought I would miss the scents I had come to love, it took very little time for me to appreciate the absence of fragrance.
I started using essential oils here and there in a diffuser and began to fall in love with them. I quickly learned not all essential oils are created equal and I learned that safety is of the UTMOST importance when it comes to using them.
I’m pretty proud of successfully cutting synthetic fragrances from our home. I think when you start to look around, you’ll start to see JUST HOW MANY PLACES these toxins are hiding.

Why Synthetic Fragrances Should Be Avoided
Synthetic fragrances are made up of different chemicals. Up to 95% of those chemicals are made from petroleum products, or crude oil. Let that sink in for a moment. The second largest component in synthetic fragrance is phthalates. Phthalates have been banned from some plastic toys and kitchenware in the most recent years and there is a push to reduce the use of them even more.
Phthalates have been shown to disrupt hormone activity while Petrochemicals (petroleum based products) have been linked to birth defects, nervous system disorders, allergies and cancer.
Many of the synthetic fragrances are in products we put on skin or that are embedded into our clothing, which sits directly on our skin. When our skins comes into contact with these chemicals that are synthetic fragrances, our skin immediately absorbs them and carries them to our bloodstream.
Airborne scents are created to be long-lasting by companies and their chemists. These toxin-filled scents are made so they don’t easily break down, but are carried throughout the air. We are breathing these chemicals in and filling our lungs with the synthetic fragrances. This can cause long term effects on the respiratory system as well as cause long term allergies and asthma in children.
Those who are at a higher risk for being affected negatively by synthetic fragrances and and the chemicals contained in them are pregnant women, babies and children, who’s systems absorb more of these chemicals.
The good news is that it’s easier than you think to completely ditch synthetic fragrances and instead use essential oils to purify air at home.
Where Synthetic Fragrances are Found
Honestly, synthetic fragrance seems to be everywhere. The list could be endless, as they seem to be in most personal care products and home products.
A few years ago my daughter got a baby doll that was vanilla scented — and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t natural vanilla either.
In my Master Synthetic Fragrance Replacement list, I walk you through ALL the places you want to look in your home to start reducing chemical toxins. You can create a plan for replacing each product or fragrance in the worksheet as well.
Before you download the worksheet, here’s a list of some places in your home you can check to get started:
- Scented Candles
- Dryer Sheets
- Laundry Detergent
- Household Cleaners
- Air Fresheners
- Wax Melts
- Hand Soap
- Baby Wipes
- Dish Soaps
- Tampons
- Shampoo & Conditioner
- Kids’ Toys
The names of these fragrance additives often is listed as “Fragrance”, however it isn’t even always disclosed on the packaging. Most likely anything that advertises a scent of any kind has synthetic fragrance and the chemicals that come with that in the product.

Why Aren’t Chemicals Disclosed?
Our US government has imposed a Trade Secret Act that protects companies and manufacturers from disclosing the ingredients that make up their scent. Originally, this act was lobbied and created to protect secret formulas made from flowers and oils. The days of natural scents has long passed and this Trade Secret law now protects companies in their use of toxic chemicals and products.
And why aren’t natural flowers and oils used any longer? Well, sometimes they are used. Any product that boasts of scents derived from natural plants uses flowers and oils in their formulas as opposed to chemicals. But overall, most companies do not use natural options because the chemicals are much cheaper to use and create and they last longer in the air, which as consumers we’ve been told we want.

Essential Oils to Purify Air: How to Avoid These Chemicals
First, anytime you can, opt for unscented products and products advertised as “Fragrance Free.” Now, a word to this claim: This does not mean they have not added synthetic fragrances. A cleaner made with toxic chemicals may have a terrible smell. In order to neutralize this odor, more chemicals may be added to the product. It may still not have an odor, but chemicals have been added to create a neutral and unscented experience.
However, overall, finding products with this advertised on the package is going to be your best bet.
Second, instead of covering up the odors in your home, remove the scent all-together. Covering up odors with candles, wax melts or air fresheners, just makes the problem worse. Try opening a window, turning on a vented fan or ceiling fan or using a charcoal odor absorbing bag.

Important Safety Tips for Essential Oils
- Don’t diffuse essential oils every day. Give your space and your body a break from these highly concentrated botanicals.
- Never use essential oils without a carrier oil. Always dilute them.
- Before using oils around kids and pets, check to make sure they are safe (Plant Therapy even labels their oils as KIDSAFE to help you know).
- Never ingest essential oils.
- Be exceptionally careful when applying essential oils to the body. Research which ones can be used in sunlight and ALWAYS use a carrier oil.
- Never use essential oils in bath water.

Go with Certified Organic Essential Oil that doesn’t break the bank. Our family loves Plant Therapy’s organic line.
What essential oils purify air naturally?
Essential oils naturally purify the air without adding any toxins or chemicals to your home. Instead they promote healthy immune function and emotional support with their healing properties. Essential oils that purify the air are: