Are you ready to find out the best ways to create a healing home environment?

Accelerate healing your body with

Healing In Your Home

a detailed virtual workshop for creating a healthy home environment that promotes healing and wellness to your body.

Best ways to create a healing home environment


Come along and join me as I share with you how to reduce the worst toxins in your space and finally create a home that supports your health and your wellness, allowing you to finally heal.

    The truth is a healthy home actually perpetuates a healthy body.

    You can't expect to be healthy living in a sick environment.

    But so many of us don’t even know where to start. 

    We’ve never been taught how to create a healthier home or how to find toxin free building materials for projects that will make your home healthier in the long run. 

    So many of us are trying to heal our bodies in sick environments or even maintain a higher level of health and wellness in a home that is actually making us sicker and sicker.

    What you need are the best ways to create a healing home environment that you can actually follow.

    One of the biggest mistakes I see families make is that they focus so much on healing their body, they miss the opportunity to make their ENVIRONMENT healthier to support their wellness.

    But this make sense, doesn’t it?  Were you in the know about toxins inside your home before you tried to heal your body?  Or have you been working hard to get more information (and sometimes winding up more confused) on toxins and how to reduce them inside your home?

    Best ways to create a healing home environment

    What if I told you that it's actually easier than you think to detox your home and create a space that promotes healing?

    Would you jump at the chance to have a plan all laid out for you to completely change the health of your home?

    Or maybe you're concerned about the toxins around you that you're not sure where to even start...

    I’ve got you covered with a step by step formula I use with all my families that puts all your home changes into an easy to follow list of healthy improvements.

    And if you're thinking you're going to have to remodel your whole home, don't worry, I've got you covered.

    The best ways to create a healing home environment aren't always huge changes.

    Praise for Healing In Your Home

    We live in a world full of chemicals and our homes need to be a place of sanctuary and protection.  Amanda understands this deeply, and truly cares about families living comfortably and safely in their homes. I just can’t say enough how fortunate it is to have someone like Amanda to partner with in problem-solving these difficult and personal issues that present in our homes. Our health is everything, and our homes need to be our place of refuge.  Amanda is there to help make sure that happens.

    – Diane B., Minnesota

    Plain and Simple: Healing In Your Home is a an over abundance of information and ideas to heal your home and space.


    Opening Late 2024

    Get Notified When It’s Open

      You could keep Googling home toxins and spiral down endless rabbit holes, or you could get all the information you need in my Healing With Your Home Online Course.

      Because here’s everything that’s included in this course:

      (1) Healthy Water: Reducing Dangerous Contaminants

      The often forgotten about first step all homes need to take.  I’ll cover the worst contaminants and how to reduce them in your water in practical ways depending on your budget and water source.

      (2) Lowering Humidity and Potential Mold Growth

      Mold exposure will wreak havoc on healing your body, and it’s often a hidden source inside your home. I’ll give you the tools to not only detect mold issues in your home, but also how to prevent it inside.

      (3) Indoor Air Quality: VOCs & Formaldehyde

      I’ll show you how to improve your indoor air quality through a variety of habit changes and future improvements you could make to your home to reduce even more toxins in the air.

      (4) Reducing EMF Exposure

      Constant exposure to high levels of EMFs will halt any healing in it’s tracks.  Learn totally practical ways to reduce EMF exposure while still living in a modern world.

      (5) Minimizing Endocrine Disruptors

      Take the big sources of endocrine disruptors out of your home completely for ultimate healing.  Your wellness will drastically improve wit this protocol.

      (6) Ditching Microbiome Disrupting Chemicals

      This new category of toxins disrupts one of the most crucial parts of healing by impacting the gut microbiome. My guidance will help you create a home free from these chemicals with simple steps and future planning.

      (7) Healing Without Heavy Metals

      Unburden your body and accelerate healing by removing heavy metals from your home and life with my step by step, detailed instructions will conclude the best ways to create a healing home environment.

      THAT'S OVER $4350 IN VALUE

      But you can get ALL of the downloads, training and my guidance for just a fraction of that .

      Best ways to create a healing home environment

      It actually can be this easy to create a healthy home that will ultimately heal your body. 👇🏻


      You're ready to embrace full health and live unburdened

      Whether you’re healing from an illness or just trying to prevent future health problems, your health is priceless. The home you live in will play a HUGE role in your health and wellness as it’s the environment surrounding you the majority of the time.  By eliminating toxins from your home space, you give your body the chance it needs to naturally detox and heal from toxic burden.


      You're tired of spending time researching and deciphering advice

      Research and educating yourself on toxins can be a full time job in and of itself.  But it’s also important to know just WHAT to bring into your home and what to LEAVE at the door.  My lessons give you the guidance you need without the overwhelm of researching products and solutions all on your own.  You’ve got me in your corner to guide you.


      You know the time is NOW - because waiting is not the answer

      The toxins you come in contact with NOW will affect you in the future and so THIS is the time to eliminate as many as you can to preserve your health and wellness.  Quality of life is SO important to our mental health and even those around us that we care for on a daily basis.  By taking care of your own health right now, you’ll have more to give in the future as you live life to the fullest.

      Just know that a healthy home is what you make it . . . And you have the power to transform your health and home during any project (big or small) with me by your side.

      In fact, it is one of your biggest tools to supporting your physical health and overall wellness. And it’s a mark so many of us miss until it’s too late.

      I know that the term “healthy house” feels ambiguous – and it’s often surrounded by confusing terms.  I also know that a healthy house can feel completely unattainable due to time, budget or a set-in-stone lifestyle habits.

      But I’m here to tell you that I take a different approach because I WANT you to succeed in creating a totally sustainable lifestyle that doesn’t become overwhelming down the road. 

      I’m not here to just recommend products or get you to do a total overhaul of your home.  The truth is a healthy home takes time – and that’s okay – and a healthy home looks different for everyone

      No matter if you feel  like you’ve got a PERFECT understanding of a healthy home environment, or this game is TOTALLY new to you – my step by step guides and lessons are going to meet you where YOU are. 

      I’m a firm believer in teaching you HOW to do things in your own home (not just giving you a to do list of tasks).  I’m here as a guide for you as you move along this journey of transforming your home.

      And I’ll let you in on a little secret — there is no 100% toxin free, totally healthy house – there’s no way it could exist.  And so I’m here to get you as CLOSE to a toxin free home as possible.

      I want to give you the knowledge I’ve learned and the research I’ve done so you can use it in your own home and to your own advantage.  

      I truly want you to leave that trail of google searches behind and know that YOU can do all of this with me by your side instead of wondering if you’ve made the right choice. 

      I can’t wait to meet you, guide you and cheer you on inside Toxin Free Home Projects: The Mini Course.

      Wishing you well,

        I'm so excited to work with small groups and one on one, so this course is limited to just 10 spots