Teaching Healthy Kids a Healthy Lifestyle and Home Environment

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how to raise healthy kids through a healthy home

We all want to raise healthy kids who lead a healthy lifestyle, don’t we?  I know for me that’s one of the biggest reasons I’ve made so many of the hard changes that I have.  I care so much about their future and about their well-being that I research endlessly, the healthy ways I can improve their life and our family’s healthy lifestyle.

But how do you instill in them these healthy lifestyle habits?  I think there’s more that goes into creating a healthy lifestyle and healthy kids than just being healthy as a family.  Yes, kids do learn from seeing and they do pick up on our habits, but I really think the key to instilling a healthy lifestyle and raising healthy kids to be healthy adults is to help them figure out their own WHY.


One of the biggest reasons I want to instill a healthy lifestyle in my healthy kids is that THEY are creating our future.  I don’t want my kids to grow up trying to correct habits that I’ve helped them create.  I want my healthy kids to be able to have a healthy lifestyle from the start so as they grow there’s less they need to change when it comes to their environment.  Ultimately THEY will be creating their own environments to surround themselves and some day their family.  

In addition to not only just creating healthy habits, I want them to understand WHY we do things we do around our own home.  I don’t want them to just trust every product is safe to use like I once thought. I want them to use their resources and find out WHY something is safe to use.  That way as our researchers find out more information and know what even healthier options are, my healthy kids won’t have any problem changing their routine, products or habits, because they’ll have the WHY understood.

raising healthy kids to create healthy spaces



Importance of products around our homes.  If your kids are like mine, they may ask you non-stop questions of “why?”.  I have come to embrace these questions and really explain to my girls the importance of why we use some things around the house in terms of products and why we avoid other products.  

When I take them shopping with me, it’s a great time to verbalize the importance of WHICH products I’m choosing, and WHY I’m avoiding other products.  I want my kids to understand these critical thinking parts of a healthy lifestyle instead of just grabbing whatever is cheapest or looks the prettiest. 

Next time you’re making a purchase of a particular cleaning product, food, or home item, let your kids know WHY this is the choice your family has made and what the impact is on them as healthy kids.

Avoiding plastics in the kitchen.  We are still in the process of removing a lot of plastic from our kitchen in terms of how I pack to-go lunches for the kids.  I have been slowly trying to remove plastic snack bags and replace them with healthier options.  We’ve done a great job so far, and we’ve got a little left to go.  

When I started sending snacks in metal containers and silicone bags, I wondered if my kids would complain or worse, lose them at school.  I was actually pleasantly surprised that my kids love taking snacks in fun little containers instead of bags and (knock on wood), we haven’t lost a container *yet*.  

With this change it was a really great time to talk to the kids about why we were switching over, removing plastic dishes and using glass instead.  Explaining to my girls WHY we do things and WHY some things are important to us as a family helps them get completely on board and know that these are healthy lifestyle components as they get older and make their own decisions.

Importance of the indoor air we breathe. This has been a really big hurdle, and sometimes I feel like I’m forever explaining why we don’t use air fresheners, candles or scented products around the house. If you have school-aged kids, they suddenly start to see what other families do and use and they start to question WHY their family doesn’t do the same thing.

I think it’s important to explain that not all healthy kids choose the same healthy lifestyle, and that’s okay.  I like to explain to my kids that OUR family may not choose to do what another family does, but that’s okay — we can make our own choices in how to follow a healthy lifestyle at home.

I think it’s important not to pass judgment on how other families may be doing things in their home and just remind your kids that our goal is to create a healthy lifestyle within our own homes, not to worry about other families.

the best principles for instilling a healthy lifestyle at home

Reusing, using less and repairing what you have.  In our fast-paced, one-time use, throw away culture, THIS can be a tricky one.  We still work on it all the time with our girls, as their first instinct when something isn’t as new and shiny as it once was is to replace it with something new.

What has helped our family is pointing out examples and positive outcomes from repairing or reusing instead of buying new.  One way we’ve successfully done this is through our craft table.  A lot of their craft supplies have ended up being items we were either going to get rid of or throw away.  The kids love getting creative with these things and finding new ways to use them.

I’m hoping just making this an important principle in everyday life will translate into their future of creating a healthy lifestyle at home by reusing what they already have.

Less is more. When we’re talking about instilling principles in our healthy kids, the important thing is to make sure that they are more about a healthy lifestyle and less about a short term goal.  Creating a healthy environment at home often means bringing in fewer items in general.  It can be a great way of teaching kids “less is more.”

And all kids are different in this regard.  For example, my older daughter is a lover of tangible things and collects rocks, saves every card and note and has a hard time getting rid of items, whether they’re important to her or not.  In contrast, my younger daughter has very little attachment to physical objects.  She has a few special things she holds on to, but she’s willing to part with things when she’s done using them.

If you can show your healthy kids how you’re happily living with less and how freeing that feeling of a healthy lifestyle can be, you’ll help instill in them the idea that less stuff truly is a more full life.


Include them in decisions. I think a great way to raise healthy kids and instill a healthy lifestyle in them for the long run is including them in decisions you make about products and habits as a family.  As a family unit, you can talk about why some things are used in the house, and why some items are things we avoid.  Talking to your kids about the underlying WHY you’ve chosen to make healthy decisions helps them use the same principles to make healthy lifestyle habits in their own life.

Soon enough our kids will be making more and more decisions  about their own healthy lifestyle habits, eating habits and lifestyle choices.  Letting them help make family decisions and give their opinion and letting them hear your “why” can be really great practice for the future.

Make it fun. All kids want to have fun!  Making healthy lifestyle changes or habits fun for your healthy kids is a great way to make sure the habit sticks. Get them involved in the satisfaction of creating a clean, healthier home.  Honestly, for kids it could be helping you mix up your toxin free cleaner, or helping you swap out plastic and donate it.  

Kids see the beauty in everyday things that become mundane to us adults, so even the smallest things can be made fun.  Last week we went on a family walk and brought with bags to pick up garbage off the side of the road — my kids thought this was SO fun.  

Getting your kids involved in reusing things around the house can be a fun task for them too. Healthy kids are incredibly creative and sometimes I’m amazed at the ideas they have to contribute to our healthy lifestyle.

Lead by example.  THIS x 100.  Kids are little sponges and to be honest, they pick up more of our behaviors than our advice.  I know my kids follow my example, and not necessarily my words.  The more you pay attention to being intentional with purchase, creating healthy habits and making sure your home is a low toxin space, the more your healthy kids are going to notice the very present healthy lifestyle in your home.

I think this teaching tactic really boils down to being extremely intentional with so many areas of our life.  Kids see when we’re mindlessly going through the motions and they also see when we’re thinking through decisions and talking out reasoning behind some of our choices.  

raising healthy kids at home with teaching tactics that instill the principles of healthy indoor spaces

Create a family goal.  Why not make your healthy lifestyle goal oriented?  Maybe you have a goal of changing over all your bedding to organic bedding.  Make it a goal for the whole family and create a chart to keep track.  Or maybe it’s creating a goal of being active together as a family three times a week.  Have a fun reward for every week you accomplish this.  Maybe it’s a backyard firepit night, or taking a trip to a local park or museum as a reward.  

Make goals and get everyone involved in your family’s healthy lifestyle — especially when it comes to making changes and creating new habits.

Get involved in community opportunities.  There are SO many opportunities to get you and your family involved in healthier habits.  It could be getting involved in a local co-op or helping clean up parks and roads in your community.  

When kids see other families like theirs, those that prioritize a healthy lifestyle, it helps solidify the healthy habits you’re teaching your healthy kids.  You might even invite friends or family to join you in a fun community activity you find.  Having friends get involved makes it more fun for kids, and who knows, maybe your friends will see your healthy lifestyle changes and start their own.

This last winter, our neighbors invited us to pack up baby supplies and diapers for new mothers in need and we decided to make it a yearly event.  The kids had so much fun with their friends, and we all really loved being involved and doing something positive together.

Let them be a part of the discussions around healthy habits and living.  Having discussions about creating a healthy lifestyle in front of your kids can be extremely powerful.  Kids pick up on things, and so having these conversations in front of them instead of after their asleep or while they’re playing in another room can help instill these ideas and lifelong habits in them.

You can even ask your kids questions or opinions and really get them involved in the conversation.  

Healthy kids  grow to be healthy adults when the principles and ideas are instilled as a lifestyle, and not just a temporary habit or change.  

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