A brand new year is probably one of my favorite times of the year. I love the fresh start and the shiny perspective of new ways to make my life healthier and happier. In past years I’ve set out with extreme goals of to make everything completely healthy and completely streamlined. Including everything from the way I eat to my fitness routine to my business and how I parent. But in all honesty, these extreme habits and complete shifts never stick; at least for me. Over the past few years I’ve changed my New Year’s resolutions to reflect how I want my daily life to look. Each year for me has received a “theme” if you will, or a word that best describes the outcome I’m looking for. I’ve applied my theme to not just one area of my life, but to my life as a whole — including my home environment.
When I first started learning about the toxins present in my home, I became immediately overwhelmed. I had no idea where I should even start to remove them. And then I came to the realization that I couldn’t remove all of the toxins. A sobering truth that we all must come to at some point. Our homes will never be completely toxin free. Letting this news stress you out overwhelm you can quickly put a stop to any progress you’ve made within your four walls.
This harsh-but-true fact about toxic homes has led me to a more moderate approach to my own home. While I believe in creating the healthiest space possible for the walls around us, I also know there is a limit to the changes we can make.
Instead of making that healthy resolution to make extreme changes and kick every habit at once, let me help you go through your house at a slow, digestible pace and make lifelong changes that will stick. My home detox workshop will allow you to work at your own pace and make healthy changes that will impact your home environment for the better.
Let’s talk about a resolution you can make to live a healthier life and put some action steps behind that goal. The Healthy Home Detox Workshop is just the action plan that your home needs to become a healthy environment.

for a limited time you can go through the healthy house detox workshop completely free.
All you need to do is fill out the form below to get your invite email!
ConvertKit Form
A healthy environment does more than just improve your indoor air quality. A healthy indoor environment is all about creating a space where your body can have a complete break. Our lifestyles in general run us rampant. We have created lives for ourselves full of stress, bad habits and quick fixes. Our home environment is where we spend anywhere from 50% to 80% of our day.
When this environment is filled with polluted air, toxic products and harmful high moisture, it becomes an additional place that the body becomes burdened. If you’re unfamiliar with what body burden is, read this blog post from a Stacy at No Fuss Natural. She outlines how our bodies can suffer from our unhealthy choices. Basically, our bodies need a break from the toxins we are exposed to in the world. And what better place to do that then in our own homes, where we can control what is allowed into our space?
Our indoor environment at home can promote chronic illness and symptoms, or it can be a place of healing where our bodies naturally restore and heal. By reducing the amount of toxins in our homes, we not only clean up our indoor air, but we also give our hormones a place to balance and create a retreat for our bodies.

While creating a healthier house is not a quick fix, it doesn’t have to be complicated. There are simple and very effective ways to make a positive impact at home. Most of us struggle with knowing exactly where to start or knowing the exact steps to take. I completely understand the feeling of wanting everything laid out in plain, tangible steps. This is the exact reason I’ve created this online workshop.
The next best thing to a home consultation or virtual consultation with me is to work through the workshop at your own pace and apply the lessons and advice within each module. Each module is designed with simplicity in mind and will give you the most beneficial options for a particular space in your home. You can expect to work through each individual room you choose, armed with a workbook, checklist and video explanation.
You can also expect a step by step plan to create daily habits that promote health and wellness within your home. The benefit of using the workshop at your own pace is that it will ultimately provide you with a long term change to your home instead of a temporary quick fix. I’ve also included a module specially designed to shift the way you think about your home and products you allow into your home. This mental shift in thinking to be the keeper of my home and to be extremely intentional with my purchases and habits is what allowed me to make great strides forward in protecting and improving my home environment.
My Healthy House Detox workshop is being released as a Beta Plan and completely free for anyone who wants to make this year healthier in every area of their life. Simply use the form below to get started in creating your own healthy home one simple step at a time.
This workshop is designed for anyone willing to make healthy changes at home to improve their overall health and wellness. If you live in any sort of dwelling and you want to be healthier, then you can take advantage of this workshop.
This workshop takes that overwhelming feeling of not know how to improve your indoor environment and replaces it will easy to follow steps that anyone can put into action. I’ll also let you in on a little secret. I’m not a proponent of spending money you don’t have. I help homeowners create their personalized, healthy space with alternatives that should add no extra expense to your family’s budget.
In the same breath, when you’re family has budgeted for a home improvement project, I want to show you the steps to improving your space the healthiest way possible. This is where the mindset shift of being intentional with purchase and products comes in. By doing research ahead of time, you’ll learn the right materials to purchase for your home’s improvements.
The very first step you need to take before beginning any transformation in your life, is to define WHY you’re doing it. If you’re like me, you may be changing your indoor environment to protect your children and their health. I had no idea the amount of chemicals I was allowing into my home on a regular basis prior to having my two girls. Essentially, I didn’t know what I didn’t know back then. Now, I’m well aware of many symptoms, causes and remedies to unhealthy choices within my indoor environment.
Many individuals I speak to about improving their space want to limit their toxins through what is within their control. These families understand that air fresheners, cleaning products and their indoor air pollution can be easily and simply controlled. Anything within this realm of “easy to control and change” is the best place to start (think personal care products, beauty products too).

Once you have your your why and you know what you’re willing to change in terms of toxin free products, you’re ready to work through the home detox course and being creating healthy habits that will reduce toxins at home. You’ll also begin cleaning your indoor air through these small changes and reducing the amount of polluted indoor air your family breathes.
for a limited time you can go through the healthy house detox workshop completely free.
All you need to do is fill out the form below to get your invite email!
ConvertKit Form

As you make your plans for the new year and you set your health goals, what do you anticipate they’ll feel like five months from now? Most resolutions fizzle out when spring rolls around and we need a push to get back on track. This is why I changed my resolutions to be all about a shift in my thinking and perspective. What are your resolutions this year?
Honing in on the environment you spend the majority of your time in can be an very simple, yet effective change. With a Home Detox Workshop, you can reduce toxins at home, improve polluted air and find toxin free products to seamlessly switch with current products at home. This year you could improve your health and wellness by improving your indoor air quality and home environment.