Are you ready for it?

The Healthy Home Blueprint

The most comprehensive workshop for learning about and actually creating a healthy home.

This complete masterclass is the only step-by-step program that will help you confidently create a healthy indoor space and unburden body, all while leaving the overwhelm and frustration of research behind.

The truth is a healthy home actually perpetuates a healthy body.
You can't expect to be healthy living in a sick environment.

You’re a perfect fit for the Healthy Home Blueprint if you want to create a space in your home that supports your physical health and overall wellness. 

The Healthy Home Blueprint is right for you if you want to ditch toxins once and for all (along with the overwhelming information and the confusing advice) and instead feel confident in your space and the healthy choices you make within it.

If you are

👉🏽 A parent who’s trying to support her kids’ health wherever you can as they learn and develop, but you know it’s more than just eating healthy and encouraging movement

👉🏽 Suffering from a diagnosis related to hormone disruption of any kind and you want to finally heal your body and use the space at home to do protect yourself from toxins

👉🏽 Feeling sluggish or foggy or just not your best self and you want to restore your body to complete mental health and total wellness with easy lifestyle changes

You’re in the right place!

The Healthy Home Blueprint will give you the tools, inspiration and unparalleled support to finally create your own healthy space at home that leaves you feeling healthy without confusion or frustration.

And even if you don't know the exact formula right now, by the end of the Healthy Home Blueprint you will have a MAJOR understanding of:

(1) How Your Home Operates and Functions

and the exact habits you need to practice (and the ones you don’t need to worry about) to reduce toxins inside your space.

(2) Confident Knowledge about Which Products are Safe for Your Home

without even a doubt or question in your mind as to if you’ve made the right choice. You’ll be able to spot a greenwashed product from a mile away.

and these important concepts

(3) A Sleeping Space that Will Ultimately Heal & Restore Your Body

filled with components that benefit your health and wellness and create a toxin free bedroom where you actually spend the majority of your time.

(4) An expertly planned maintenance and cleaning schedule to reduce toxins in EVERY area of your home

without leaving you overwhelmed or confused about what to do first or what has the biggest impact on your space.

in addition to these underrated ideas

(5) Plan to Remove Toxins in the Future and Take Your Home to the Next Level

with total confidence or question in your mind as to if you’ve made the right choice. You’re plan of broken down tasks will keep you on the fast track to health.

(6) The Perfect Indoor Climate to Prevent Organic and Inorganic Toxins In Your Home

that doesn’t take all your time to maintain or fall by the wayside due to time and financial constraints.

Amanda is a fully competent professional!

“She goes above and beyond adding value to her clients, as someone who truly cares about health and wellness. She has extensive knowledge and is willing to educate and share, so we may better protect ourselves and our families from the silent killers. It’s a pleasure to know Amanda!”

Hannah @ Healthy Home Girls

Plain and Simple: The Healthy Home Blueprint Changes Lives and you can access it TODAY

In fact, the Healthy Home Blueprint has changed the way homeowners take care of their home and health in BIG WAYS

You could keep Googling solutions and products for your home, or you could benefit from ALL the exclusive training I teach my one-on-one clients in the Healthy Home Blueprint

Module 1: Home Function Knowledge to Create the Perfect Indoor Environment

The fundamentals of a toxin free home and your specific home blueprint:  You’ll learn all about the immediate changes you can make to instantly improve your space and home

Module 1 Highlights:

  • The art of a perfectly ventilated home with my home ventilation cheat sheet
  • The products you can actually remove *today* to instantly create a completely healthier space
  • How to find the perfect indoor humidity levels like a pro in order to reduce toxins off gassing and organic toxins from growing
  • How to DIY your own air tests to understand the your home and what may need to be fixed

Module 2: How to Reduce Toxins in order to Unburden Your Home & Body

Creating sustainable cleaning habits and understanding actual products you can safely bring into your home: Go from overwhelmed, confused and frustrated to this highly systematic way of caring for your home. 

Module 2 Highlights:

  • Understand the tools you need to clean and purify the air inside your home leading to a healthier immune system and body
  • Utilize my complete Healthy House Cleaning Calendar to systematize your home’s ongoing health (supporting your wellness)
  • How to shop without guilt, worry or frustration with my two Shopping Guides to help you get your home’s products and cleaning solutions in order

Module 3: Restore Your Health In Your Personalized Sleep Sanctuary

A healthy environment in the most important space within your home to fully restore your body and mind is EXACTLY what you need to use your home to support your wellness.

Module 3 Highlights:

  • How to keep toxins out of your space in order to create an environment not only conducive to sleep but one that will heal and unburden your body
  • My Healthy House Mattress Guide and a Bedding Guide with all the research done for you when it comes time to replace your current, toxic mattress and/or bedding
  • Take your sleep sanctuary to the next level of restorative with my guide on EMF exposure and how to handle electronics in your bedroom WITHOUT going back to the dark ages.

Module 4: Home Maintenance & Healthy Home Care to Prevent Future Problems

Your responsibility as a homeowner and HOW to care for your home in a way that will reduce toxins and chemicals while keeping your space healthy.

Module 4 Highlights:

  • Understand what things you should notice around your home, both inside and out in order to keep your structure and systems healthy
  • My systematic maintenance guides that ANYONE can follow — even if you’ve never done home maintenance before
  • How to handle spaces in your home that seem scary, or too complicated for you: the things to check and when to call in a professional

Module 5: Build a Health Kitchen Space to Help Detoxify Your Body

The kitchen is insanely important to a healthy home — not only is it the central hub in most homes,  but it’s also where we prepare our food. This makes it a top priority when it comes to space we want to remove toxins from.

Module 5 Highlights:

  • Learn how to reduce toxins by swapping products inside your space.  But do it all without any stress or added overwhelm
  • My Healthy Kitchen Master Checklist to help you choose the healthiest items inside your kitchen from cooking utensils to blenders.  Everything is Healthy House approved to be as low toxin as possible as you plan future purchases. 
  • Learn how to test your water and which tests are necessary to make sure you’re filtering out the right contaminants.  Plus my training on how to choose the best water filter for your home depending on your test results. 

Module 6: Work Towards the Next Level of a Healthy House to Give Your Body The BEST Environment to Live Inside

Planning for the future with bigger projects and purchases that will reduce toxins inside your home and take your healthy home to the NEXT LEVEL

Module 6 Highlights:

  • Learn how to create a long term plan that will lead to less stress and guide you on the MOST important and impactful tasks at hand
  • The ultimate non toxic furniture shopping guide to take you from confused and overwhelmed to confident and ready to replace toxic furniture in your home
  • My flooring planning worksheet to help you find the lowest toxin flooring that is perfect for both your budget and space

Plus you'll also get this 👇🏽

Home Maintenance Binder Pages

Toxin Free Building Materials

Room by Room Detox Workbook

Access to me through a consultation at this level is worth $997...

But you can get ALL of the downloads, training and my healthy house swaps for just $83 today

Plus You'll be Backed by a Risk-Free 14 Day Guarantee

Your home is a HUGE investment, but so is your health.  You’re ready to take on both, but perhaps a little wary of this investment your about to make. 

I get you!

So here’s why you can place your confidence in a money-back guarantee and set any enrollment nerves aside.

By the end of 14 days, you’ll have received access to the first two modules of The Healthy Home Blueprint. 

Meaning you’ll have had the opportunity to take action on some of the most impactful steps of creating a truly healthy home BEFORE we jump into the next level lists and guides.

If you don’t feel totally like you’ve been given the tools you need to implement in your home, within two weeks, simply reach out to me, show me you’ve tried out the modules and steps, and I’ll refund your investment.


No!  You definitely have the option to do so in some specific lessons, but it is totally optional and there is ALWAYS a plan ahead option that you can use in order to budget and decide on this purchase in the future.

This course is not only for ANY home, but it will also discuss any pertinent information to particular climates and homes if necessary.  Plus with your access to me in the Q & A sessions, you can ask your climate specific questions and get solid answers.

Because your blueprint will be fully customizable to you and your home, you will need just about 1-2 hours per week during the course to go through the module and printable guides or worksheets.  Implementation of the work is up to you, your schedule and your budget.

The five modules that have been created for you will be released in one week increments for 5 weeks to help guide you on the most important tasks in order of what is the most impactful to your health.

And if you're thinking this sounds too easy...


You're ready to embrace full health and live unburdened

Whether you’re healing from an illness or just trying to prevent future health problems, your health is priceless. The home you live in will play a HUGE role in your health and wellness as it’s the environment surrounding you the majority of the time.  By eliminating toxins from your home space, you give your body the chance it needs to naturally detox and heal from toxic burden.


You're tired of spending time researching and deciphering advice

Research and educating yourself on toxins can be a full time job in and of itself.  But it’s also important to know just WHAT to bring into your home and what to LEAVE at the door.  My lessons give you the guidance you need without the overwhelm of researching products and solutions all on your own.  You’ve got me in your corner to guide you.


You know the time is NOW - because waiting is not the answer

The toxins you come in contact with NOW will affect you in the future and so THIS is the time to eliminate as many as you can to preserve your health and wellness.  Quality of life is SO important to our mental health and even those around us that we care for on a daily basis.  By taking care of your own health right now, you’ll have more to give in the future as you live life to the fullest.

Just know that a healthy home is what you make it . . . And you have the power to transform your health and home while I hold your hand the whole time.

But it is one of your biggest tools to supporting your physical health and overall wellness. And it’s a mark so many of us miss until it’s too late.

I know that the term “healthy house” feels ambiguous – and it’s often surrounded by confusing terms.  I also know that a healthy house can feel completely unattainable due to time, budget or a set-in-stone lifestyle habits.

But I’m here to tell you that I take a different approach because I WANT you to succeed in creating a totally sustainable lifestyle that doesn’t become overwhelming down the road. 

I’m not here to just recommend products or get you to do a total overhaul of your home.  The truth is a healthy home takes time – and that’s okay – and a healthy home looks different for everyone

No matter if you feel  like you’ve got a PERFECT understanding of a healthy home environment, or this game is TOTALLY new to you – my step by step guides and lessons are going to meet you where YOU are. 

I’m a firm believer in teaching you HOW to do things in your own home (not just giving you a to do list of tasks).  I’m here as a guide for you as you move along this journey.

And I’ll let you in on a little secret — there is no 100% toxin free, totally healthy house – there’s no way it could exist.  And so I’m here to get you as CLOSE to a toxin free home as possible.

I want to give you the knowledge I’ve learned and the research I’ve done so you can use it in your own home and to your own advantage.  

I truly want you to leave that trail of google searches behind and know that YOU can do all of this with me by your side instead of wondering if you’ve made the right choice. 

I can’t wait to meet you, guide you and cheer you on inside The Healthy Home Blueprint.

Wishing you well,